In loving Memory
God saw him getting tired, a cure was not to be,
so He put his arms around him, and whispered,
” Come with me”
It is 8 years ago today, that God took my son back. Sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes it feels like two years.
one who has buried a child will know, that you will never get over it.
It is said, that time heals everything. I disagree. Time heals nothing.
Time is just time and the grief, sadness, anger, can be just as
devastating 10 years after a child’s death, than the day after. Time
will pass no matter how you feel and what you do.
You have to go through the process of grieving and bereavement, and there are no right or wrong way of grieving. Just your way.
Tell others how you feel, but if they themselves haven’t experienced a loss of a child, don’t expect them to fully understand.
The ultimate determinant in healing the horrendous wound when a child dies is love.
As i said earlier time by itself heals nothing, but time plus love
fosters healing. Accept that life is for the living. It takes effort to
begin to live again and not dwell on the past.
But keep the memory alive. Look at pictures, remember special times and share that memory with friends and family.
remember, that someone asked me, very soon after he died,” that now
that he is dead, that must be a relief, because he was so sick. And now
it is your turn to live”
I got really angry, thinking, how the f.... dare he say that?
I controlled myself and answered, that I had been living all these
years. It may not have been the life, I dreamt of, planned for, or hoped
for, but I was still living. And as for the relief part, I had to say,
that I would do it all again, just to have my son with me.
a part of me was somewhat relieved, because it had been hard,
heartbreaking and very often I had been close to breaking point, but
that thought made me feel guilty, so I quickly thought of something
else. A mother is not supposed to think like that...
have learned so much from Martin. I learned how people are judged by
what they look like or act like, more than what they have in their
hearts and souls. We often don’t make the time and effort to find out,
that we can learn from people who appear to be different.
body may have been broken, but his soul, spirit and love was very much
intact, probably more so than mine. He loved, because that was what he
was and that is what he gave to the world. He wasn’t able to be
influenced by outside sources.
taught me that there is no greater force in life than love. I believe
that it is where we all come from and to where we all return, when our
time comes. It may sound like cliche, but love does conquer all. And
the time we spend together in love, is never wasted.
He spend many hours in my arms. He even died in my arms.
I carried his coffin out of the church and after he had been cremated, I
carried the urn to the grave and I put in in the ground myself. I
couldn’t just let anyone else do it.
I carried him in life, I had to carry him in death.
Now my arms feel empty. But I carry him in my heart.
will never get over his death and there is not a day, where I haven’t
thought of him, missed him, cried over him, but I will get through it
and come out on the other side.
I will carry on living my best life, just like he thought me.
To me that is the best way to honor his memory.