I have made an "agreement" with the Universe, that if "they" want me to do something, "they" will have to give me a sign. As I stubborn person, according to my husband, I need more than a sign. I need 3. I want to make sure it is the right thing for me.
I have to be careful what I ask for, because I just got the 3rd today.
I know the benefits of Yoga. Not because I practice it myself. I don't. I have tried it a few times over the years, but I have the idea, that I have to be able to bend like a pretzel, and let's face it, I can't.
I would find a studio, which offered free trial, just to try it out, but I never stock with it, because I felt so discouraged about how rigid I was. Instead of sticking with it and becoming better. I gave up.
Not long ago, I was diagnosed with osteopenia ( not osteoporosis) and it scared me. I am now paying the price for some bad choices I have made earlier in my life.
I know that weight training and exercise is good for many things, but I must admit, I find it really boring and expensive. So I have been looking at something I could enjoy and maybe Mike could do it with me.
My good friend Brigid has often mentioned yoga. She is very much into it, but she never pushed, which I appreciated.
2 days ago she sent me an email, where she talked about how good it would be for me. 1st sign.
Yesterday, I had to go to my chiropractor and I told him about the osteopenia. He recommended Yoga and as it turned out, he had his own studio very close to where we live. 2 sign.
Mike was there as well and we talked about how good it would be for both of us. He gave me a leaflet and I could see that there were many different types of classes, many times a day.
I must admit, I was starting to see the light, but I knew I needed more more sign. Yes I know, I am stubborn.
Mike and I have a ritual on Sunday mornings. We make our morning coffee and take it back to bed to watch morning TV. Very relaxing.
Normally we watch the same program, but for some reason, it was quite boring this morning, so I channel surfed. I stopped at PBS which had a program, that sounded interesting even if we really, at that time, didn't know what it was about. Normally I would have continued, but for some reason I stayed and watched and found out that the program was Easy Yoga for Arthritis. Sign number 3.
I will call the Yoga place on Monday and try it out.
Being a Lutheran, I technically don't have to give up anything for Lent, but I think I will this year.
I will give up bad excuses. ( don't laugh, that is a tough one for me) and I will do yoga. Hopefully I can get Mike to join me.
I will keep you posted and maybe I can have a better yoga picture than the one on top.
Anette, I have come to realize that there no coincidendes in life (the whole predestination thing in the reformed church). Rater than coincidences I too think there are signs, and God will continue to throw them at us until we can no longer resist. Sometimes we end up making conscious choices like you choosing to sart doing yoga. But sometimes they are subconscious but none the less based on signs. My journey searching for mmy faith is a clear example of that
ReplyDeleteAnette,you are on the right track.Yoga is the best.Stick with it.
ReplyDeletePernille,I agree with you 100%
ReplyDeleteGod bless you always.